‘What a difficult decision! Who do you trust your E-Type engine to when you know it needs a complete rebuild? I desperately wanted to rebuild my own engine but knew firstly, I did not have the skills and secondly, I did not have the equipment. I searched high and low until I stumbled across Classic Car Engines’ website and discovered the Masterclass!
What a great idea. You have all the extensive experience of Graham, the excellent facilities of his workshop and you can learn the skills and rebuild your own engine under his tutelage. It is hugely reassuring that you know exactly what has gone on inside your engine, you know exactly which parts have been replaced and you are there exactly when you need to make the decision as to what to replace. If you add this to the hospitality that is offered: frequent cups of tea, a light lunch and I shall never forget the mid-morning treat of a bacon sandwich.
Ideally you should do this in two visits. Set aside enough time to ensure that you do not have to rush when you strip your engine down on the first visit. This not only gives you the time to take things apart in a logical sequence but it also gives you insight into how you are going to put the engine back together.Your second visit surely is the best. On your return all the machining is done, all your parts look like new and you can document your engine rebuild with photographs as you go.If you have done anything like this before you will know nothing ever quite goes as smoothly as you would want and there are inevitable little hitches that crop up.
Graham’s workshop has the solution for the vast majority of these and if not you can bet your bottom dollar he knows someone that can.The Masterclass is not your cheapest option. You might think it would be if you are doing the work yourself. In reality, I am sure Graham would rebuild your engine quicker but he is certainly not off performing other tasks whilst you work away on your engine. You have his undivided attention to ensure that you do not fall into any pits or create any problems and as a consequence, even if you have no experience, the result will be perfection.’
Another masterclass customer – Graham Watt – was so pleased with the engine and the whole experience that he not only had a special brass plaque made for his engine, proudly declaring it to be hand built by Graham Williams, but also presented him with a specially engraved bottle of whisky!